
Industrial Piercing

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The worst part is mostly after. The aftercare and trying to remember the piercing is there. It’s fresh and it hurts when I forget it’s there! It’s rare but it happens and I’m sure it will continue to happen. I’ll be posting healing updates and progression photos until I change it. One thing for sure I completely forgot I can’t swim underwater with a fresh piercing. Gladly, the vacation I have planned isn’t all about swimming.

Day 1 Freshly pierced

Day 3 Little to no blood and not much swelling

This might take a while to heal anywhere from 4 months to 1 year. Hoping for the best healing wise. Wish me luck.


Body Modifications

I’ve always been interested in piercings. Growing up I wanted extra holes above the ear piercings I had already. Get my nose pierced and snake bites. Never did the snake bites though. My body is prone to scarring easily and didn’t want to chance the skin around my lips bruising. The nose piercing I ended up loving and still do! It’s been 2 years and I still love how it makes my overall face look. I was tempted to get a septum but with a one year old who am I kidding?

Today I’ve decided to get an industrial (A bar in my upper ear cartilage) which makes me nervous. I think sitting here on the bus on my way there. I’m building up anxiety and a non existing expectation of pain. I’ve gotten tattoos. Pierced more than once. Given birth with epidural and yet a needle still makes my stomach flop. How’s that even possible? I need to get it together. If anyone out there reading this has ever gotten an industrial or pierced in worse places. Please tell me I’m crazy and I’m nervous for no reason.

Product Review, Skin Care Beauty

Refreshing Toner

Skin care is important especially for someone like me. Before I had dull, dry skin. Although, my skin is now combo skin, no skincare meant my skin was dehydrated at all times. So I did what anyone else does now. Research. I researched how to start a day/night skin care regimen. I bought different things recommended for my skin. Over a month ago I didn’t even know there’s a difference between serum and essence. I didn’t know toner was actually one of many necessary steps. This is one of my favorite steps ever since the sun came out to play.

Toner I’m currently using

Found this gem on amazon with high reviews and affordability why not? It has a heavenly rose scent and it’s alcohol free. It’s hydrating and soothing for my skin. You can put it in the fridge and it helps reduce puffiness while also giving you a cool refresh when needed. This heat doesn’t play. I’m one of those “I hate the heat” type. Spring and fall are my actual favorite seasons. Hoodie weather FTW!

Here’s the link if anyone’s interested in purchasing this lovey toner: Thayers Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Toner

*As an Amazon associate. I do earn commission from qualifying purchases with the links provided above*

More skin care products that I’ve been using the past 1-2 months coming soon. Comment below if you have a skin care routine you love and what’s been the best products for you thus far.


“The Journey to Self Care”

I wasn’t always the type to take care of myself before. The most I would do is indulge in my favorite foods or snack on an Oreo if I was feeling wild. Then, I learned that self care runs a lot deeper than that. If I’m being honest. I really started about a few months ago being serious about my self care and before that my mental health. That’s a story for another day. Stay tuned.

Back in April, I finally gave in and bought myself a kindle. I know, I know. It’s nothing like a physical copy and what not. Frankly, I’m not a fan of the clutter it creates plus no time for library trips. Anyway, so I got my first kindle after debating it for a over a year. Got myself the unlimited membership and it began. I poured myself every night into a new story. I escaped to a different worlds. Slowly I felt my moods change and found myself not overthinking or worrying too much. That’s when I realized that before being a mother having hobbies made me sane. Now I was an overthinking mess. By the end of June I made a separate Instagram account for makeup, products reviews and blog posts. I started making time for myself for skin care and light make up. Took time to go back into some video games and shows. I can finally say I’m doing so much better than before.

Before all this, it’s not that I was terrible. I just wasn’t myself. My skin was dry and dull. My eyes started to darken from lack of sleep. My mind was in constant battle with itself from overthinking and being bored. I would occasionally play some mobile games or distract myself with little things here and there. But it wasn’t enough. Things were setting me off, my moods were in this odd flux that I couldn’t understand myself. Overall I was content but these moments of darkness would send me spiraling and it would build up. That’s why this journey is important. That’s why I always tell others you need to love yourself before you can love others. It makes you a happier person overall and that’s what counts.

Discounts, Product Review

Soy Candles for sale

Read below and use SORI20 for discount!

Recently became a brand rep for a cute momma that sells candles on Etsy. I recently bought some and have been burning them the last few days. They’re smell so amazing! I’ve been wanting to invest in soy candles for a while now since reading on paraffin based candles. Not recommended at all for kids, elderly, pets or anyone with asthma or bad lungs in general. Soy is much cleaner and slower at burning. They also have a cracking wood wick so everything about these candles bring me zen and good vibes.

If you or anyone you know love candles or soy waxes that smell amazing. Definitely recommend her stuff. She’s lovely and has a good selection of smells. My personal favorites?

Frazier fir-smells reminds me of Christmas time

Raspberry Jam- I love raspberry sorbet so I couldn’t resist buying this scent and it’s as sweet as it sounds.

Sea Salt Blossom- I don’t know what it is about this. If I could imagine what a sea breeze with a garden somewhere would smell like. This is it. Definitely a top favorite in my house.

Candles I own currently

These make cute gifts for almost any event. Check her out and again you can use my code SORI20 for 20 percent off your order. This is her Etsy shop link:


“Self Love”

Something a lot of us as mothers forget to do. We forget to love ourselves and take care of our needs. Even if it’s something small.

I recently started practicing self love. I started taking care of my skin, my hair, I’ve been finding time to read books (on my kindle) and catching up on the shows I never quite finished. Sipping on warm coffee before my son wakes up whether it be in the morning or his afternoon nap. These small moments recharge my emotions and sanity. Not because my son is difficult to handle or I didn’t expect this. Not at all. He’s the center of my world and I adore him with everything in me. I’m just being me. I’m not just mommy. Or just wife. I’m also Sori. Ans like anyone else I too deserve to have a moment to myself so I can face the day with the confidence I know I have. Somewhere.

So take those 10 min to yourself mama. Take a deep breath. You’re doing great. Your child is loved. Fed. Safe. And has you. We don’t need to be perfect for them. We just need to be the best person we can be for them and being happy with ourselves is part of that.


“Love at First Sight”

Does anyone believe in this anymore? That you just know who’s the one? Can it happen at any point of our lives? It’s difficult to know when life itself is so confusing. Can’t it just give us a sign? Wish it were that easy.

My husband is my first crush/love. You know that cute crush you have as kid in elementary school. Where you don’t even know what love is. You just get this nervous pit in your stomach and avoid them like the plague. It makes your day to see them. But if they look your away. You’re ready to disappear in a split second. That was me. My heart would beat so fast just by seeing him. We barely ever talked even though I was social and liked talking to people. He was quiet and to himself. Who was I? This 8 year old to invade his world. How rude. Later I found out he lived across the street from me. We would casually run into each other around our neighborhood. Yet, still I avoided him.

By the time I worked up to even say his name and say hello. We had already graduated elementary. I was 10. It was too late to be friends. Too late to ask him what his favorite games and cartoons or anime he was into. I was moving away to a different neighborhood.

Years went by and I was 17 when we found each other on Facebook. And it was an instant spark. Emotions I didn’t think would come flooding back. I wanted to know his favorite everything. We bonded over our favorite shows, music, and things we wanted in life. Finding out later that he did want to be my friend after I said hello that one day. We laugh about it till this day. We’re amazed at how life had us wait for each other.

So do I believe in Love at first sight? Maybe. But, it can take over a decade to realize it.

Thought I would share my love story with my husband cause it’s not something that happens everyday. Makes me believe that things happen for a reason. We’ve grown so much since then especially since we were 17/18. All I can hope for is to continue growing and loving each other. As best friends, lovers, husband and wife but even more so as parents now.

Anyone else have a love story they’d like to share? Comment below and let me know. I love hearing how people their partner.



“the bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self”- Enouement

I came across this word soon after losing my daughter in 2016. The grief was raw. I still had this numb feeling. Every day waking up I felt as if my body was heavy. It’s truly insane how attached emotions can be to our physical selves. So when I came across this word and looked it up. I, of course, went through so many what if scenarios. My thoughts that were jumbled into this odd ball of grief. Sadness. Anger. Slowly unraveled. I felt sad for the me before the loss. I felt so horrified that she was going to go through one of the most heartbreaking things as a new mother to be. Not just once but twice. She doesn’t know that she will get through it. That eventually there’s a beautiful happy son who’s going to fill her life with happiness and although he makes her long for his siblings. She will be happy. She will be content.

hat girl from before didn’t know she would find her true love one day. One that would understand her full and whole. That she didn’t need to try to be someone she wasn’t. Or figure out her life so much. That she didn’t have to cry at night from being lonely at all. He would eventually come and take a hold of her. Wrap his arms around her and tell her she wouldn’t have to worry. That he would love her till his last breath

I’m sure everyone goes through this at some point. Whether it be a rough patch, a tragic loss, a problem that needed to be solved. You look back and you almost feel bad that you had to go through that to be the person you are right now. Honestly, if I could have a moment with my past self I would hug her. Tell her that it will be okay one day 💗

Anyone else have had moments like this?


“How does it feel to be a Mother?”

Can this be summed in enough words? Motherhood. It’s wonderful yet scary. There are moments I couldn’t think straight and other times things were clear as day for me. Where pumping was frustrating to the point I wanted to quit for my sanity. Yet, the satisfaction of breastfeeding even if it meant through a bottle kept me going for a year. Moments where I could barely keep myself up straight cause the night before he was cutting a tooth that we excitedly wanted to see. Being a mother means that you start being needed 24/7 while inputting whatever time there to take care and love yourself because a happy momma is a happy baby. Right…?

I didn’t really grow up around newborns. I was never the first to reach out to other peoples children when babies were brought around in family functions. Neither would I offer myself to babysit. I was full on hoping somehow maternal instinct would magically kick in and teach me all of that. Oh boy did it! It’s like a switch goes off and not only does your mind and soul respond but so do your new milk making machines attached to your chest. I would get this tingle and slight pain the moment he would cry and out came the liquid gold. Once he was attached, some days it was painful to the point of tears. While others I could stare in awe of how amazing a mother’s body can be to produce such greatness for them. Not unless you don’t mind the waterfall of blood that seeps through a new pad you put on not too long ago and your uterus cramping away to oblivion. I laugh now when I think about it. How much of a mess I must of been through all this. A mess of hormones I might add cause through it all I would smile through the tears.

I did my best to push away my doubts. Took a deep breath and kept telling myself tomorrow will be a better day. Motherhood is majestic in its own way. It challenges you in ways you’d never expect. You discover so much about yourself, your life, and your loved ones. I’m grateful for the father my son has. The bond we share. I’m content. So how does it feel to be a mother? Ask me again after I drink this cold cup of coffee maybe I’ll have a different answer 💗

Grief, Life, motherhood

“Is he your first baby?”

I get asked this a lot when I’m out with Alaric. It’s an innocent question. Most would answer it easily with a yes or no. And probably reminisce in baby stories and how is it being either a first time parent or parent to multiples. But it’s a question that sends me spiraling sometimes. Should I lie and say yes? Or should I say no and avoid the questions that come buzzing after. Sadly with my guilt swelling up in my throat. I say yes. Yes he’s my first child. As my stomach churns, my heart sinks and I start feeling almost everything stiffen. How could I say that?

I’m a mother of 3. But, there’s 2 that everyone can’t see. They’re invisible to everyone else except me. Even if those around me forget. I’ll always remember them.

I’m a grieving mother who’s been pregnant 3 times and was blessed to be able to raise one beautiful boy for it. I admit he has healed me more than I thought he would. At first I cried a lot. Whether it be because I was so happy that he was home in my arms. Or cause I was so sad that his sister and brother weren’t with us. Everything was bundled into this whirlwind of postpartum hormones and being a tired first time parent to a child who’s cries and sound of his soft breathing would make my heart swell.

I’m working on not feeling so guilty when people ask. It’s not their fault. I’ve changed my answer to yes he’s my first. While remembering that he was the beginning to many different firsts. The first I get to watch grow up. The first to call me mama. I will still get all those firsts. While still grieving for the ones that didn’t.

If you made it this far. Thank you for reading. If you’re new then hello I’m Sori. In this blog I share my pregnancy loss. In 2016 I found out I was having a girl and in 2017 a boy. Both which couldn’t come home with me. Finally in 2018 my son Alaric was born and I’ve been healing since then along with my husband. We have been so blessed to be able to watch our beautiful boy grow and flourish. Thanks again for reading.